Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Post from marvhagedorn at CHUMLY

You cut taxes to allow business to re-invest in their business and hire people. Cutting taxes while at the same time removing exemptions would just make business pay their tax liability out of another pocket with no real benefit to business as a whole (which should be the goal). Real impact would be cutting the 7.8% individual income tax that the majority of small business pays. Small business in Idaho employ way more people than do those that file under the corporate income tax rate of 7.6%.

If you want to cut exemptions so the state gets out of the business of picking winners and losers, that's another issue altogether and should not be coupled with the discussion of income tax reduction. Put them together and all we do is tread more "economic" water, because the tax liability at the end of the day for business would not change.

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