Thursday, December 30, 2010

Post from marvhagedorn at CHUM.LY

Shirley Tucker was happy to find a desk on the House floor with her name and age on it! (Lol, Max Shirley's desk from dist. 34)

Post from marvhagedorn at CHUM.LY

Looking up at the Capital dome from the 1st floor...

Post from marvhagedorn at CHUM.LY

Took some friends on a tour of the Capital today. Still looks great with the Christmas decorations!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Post from marvhagedorn at CHUM.LY

had a good meeting yesterday with the new (incoming) Director of ACHD, Bruce Wong. Bruce has great leadership experiences, business experience and military experience. He will bring a great new focus at ACHD and I look forward to working with him!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Post from marvhagedorn at CHUM.LY

It's been reported that Idaho Nov tax collections were up $8.2 million! While that's a great sign, we will still be looking at a reduction in the '12 budget process because we are out of savings and stimulus that we've used up to keep our budget balaced...

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Post from marvhagedorn at CHUM.LY

Had a great Christmas day with family an good friends... Now it's time to play with all the Christmas goodies like my new Flying Screaming Monkey!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Post from marvhagedorn at CHUM.LY

Once again spending some "quality time" at the Dodge dealer trying to get a spare key reprogrammed for my truck (come on, it's a friggin key!!!) Then off for meetings regarding H&W funding and programs...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Post from marvhagedorn at CHUM.LY

only a few tasks today and then some downtime! Enjoying Tom Clancy's newest "Dead or Alive"... looking forward to getting back to it

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Post from marvhagedorn at CHUM.LY

Had an interesting meeting today with the Dir. of ITD, Chairman of the State Transportation Board and Sen. Russ Fultcher regarding the Meridian interchange. This interchanges is the last obstacle to opening our I-84 investment to a full 4 lanes as it was designed, yet it's not included in the upcoming GARVEE request because of an oversight on the corridor project planning for the I-84 construction...


Monday, December 20, 2010

Post from marvhagedorn at CHUM.LY

By the way, the total eclipse of the moon will be between 0015 and 0115 MST this evening... if you happen to be up!

Post from marvhagedorn at CHUM.LY

plowed a little snow this morning, had a phone conf. on social networking, got another appointment to get a spare key made for my truck (when did this become so hard?), made a Costco run and finished/mailed Christmas cards.. whew!

Post from marvhagedorn at CHUM.LY

Is connecting all of his social media through a single source... Chumly looks like a great tool to simplify my life!