Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Attended a fundraiser at Homedale Sporting Clays Friday morning before our Off-Highway Vehicle Task Force. We've made some good progress in trying to simplify trail maintenance stickers for OHVs vs. full registrations. Also learned yesterday many people don't know that with a "Restricted Use" OHV plate, you can drive your OHV (ATV, UTV, Motorbike) on all streets NOT specifically closed by a public meeting of your city, county, BLM or Forest Service. You can not drive a Restricted Use plated vehicle on State Highways or Freeways. (This was done by H602 in 2008)

Saturday, July 13, 2013

MO just passed a bill to make teaching gun safety optional in schools, I'd like to make it mandatory in Idaho, thoughts?bit.ly/UdonaX

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Thanks to Russ Duke, Dir of Central District Health, for meeting with me today. I now have a much better understanding of the District's funding mechanisms and contractual relationships with Health and Welfare and DEQ for the services they provide. If only we could get the good parts of WIC and SNAP programs (Cards from SNAP and types of food purchase limits from WIC, both run by the Federal Dept. of Ag) we would end up with a very trackable program that would help get people healthier and ensure proper food is being purchased with the SNAP cards. (SNAP = Foodstamps)

I've been asked by a number of Meridian folks about the issue of the Meridian Animal Shelter, here's a great update: bit.ly/1arahwW